This command can unblock, from a different connection, a client blocked in a blocking operation, such as for instance BRPOP
By default the client is unblocked as if the timeout of the command was reached, however if an additional (and optional) argument is passed, it is possible to specify the unblocking behavior, that can be TIMEOUT (the default) or ERROR. If ERROR is specified, the behavior is to unblock the client returning as error the fact that the client was force-unblocked. Specifically the client will receive the following error:
-UNBLOCKED client unblocked via CLIENT UNBLOCK
Note: of course as usually it is not guaranteed that the error text remains
the same, however the error code will remain -UNBLOCKED
This command is useful especially when we are monitoring many keys with
a limited number of connections. For instance we may want to monitor multiple
streams with XREAD
without using more than N connections. However at some
point the consumer process is informed that there is one more stream key
to monitor. In order to avoid using more connections, the best behavior would
be to stop the blocking command from one of the connections in the pool, add
the new key, and issue the blocking command again.
To obtain this behavior the following pattern is used. The process uses
an additional control connection in order to send the CLIENT UNBLOCK
if needed. In the meantime, before running the blocking operation on the other
connections, the process runs CLIENT ID
in order to get the ID associated
with that connection. When a new key should be added, or when a key should
no longer be monitored, the relevant connection blocking command is aborted
in the control connection. The blocking command
will return and can be finally reissued.
This example shows the application in the context of Redis streams, however the pattern is a general one and can be applied to other cases.
Connection A (blocking connection):
> BRPOP key1 key2 key3 0
(client is blocked)
... Now we want to add a new key ...
Connection B (control connection):
Connection A (blocking connection):
... BRPOP reply with timeout ...
> BRPOP key1 key2 key3 key4 0
(client is blocked again)